Unizarre was formed in the early 1990s by David Bowles and Paul Flanagan, combining their extensive experience in screenwriting, acting, special effects, stuntwork and business development.

Having acquired an enviable reputation for flair and innovation, Unizarre's list of clients soon included such well-known names as :

(and many others)

Unizarre were associate producers on the multi-episodic TV series "Aristotle to Hawking" (2006) with Pissanos Productions. For more information on this project, please follow the following link:  

For more information, please scroll down...also see Unizarre's IMDb Pro site:  


Other later film and tv co-productions have followed such as Dali-the 4th Dimension,
Angry (with Swedish company Penguin Films), Axa (in development with Penguin and October Pictures of Lara Croft/Tombraider fame), Kill The Writer, and numerous others.

The original vision - of Unizarre as a leading international Film and Television Production force - is now being realised through the combined skills and expertise of the directors, and the network of Associates and Organisations that comprise the Unizarre Team.


(Find out more on the team page)


Unizarre's international growth now means they can call upon the resources of some of the most advanced and innovative corporations in the fields of :

SFX/CGI        Sales & Distribution      Film Financing    Location Management

Unizarre have representatives in the following international markets:

United Kingdom  -  USA  -  Australia  -  Greece  -  Poland  -  Russia  -  China



Unizarre's development ethos is to strive to provide projects that are entertaining, compelling and emotive; stories that need telling; stories that span generations, many with causes and purpose to their name.

Whether fact or fiction, mythical or reality, Unizarre are here to entertain you.

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